Green Tea, Acid Reflux and You: How to Get Rid of Heartburn

The only thing worse than a case of heartburn is when you don’t know what caused it. Heartburn is a condition in which the stomach’s acid backs up into the esophagus. This can cause chest pains, nausea and belching. When this happens, you may feel like you want to eat or drink something that will help stop the burning sensation in your chest.

The main culprit for heartburn is an excessive amount of stomach acid that flows into the esophagus and irritates it. It can also be caused by food allergies, stress and certain medications. Green tea has been shown to help prevent and treat heartburn and acid reflux by relaxing the muscles in your digestive tract and making your stomach produce less acid. Here are some other ways to get rid of heartburn:

What is heartburn?

Heartburn is a condition in which the stomach’s acid backs up into the esophagus. This can cause chest pains, nausea and belching. When this happens, you may feel like you want to eat or drink something that will help stop the burning sensation in your chest.

The main culprit for heartburn is an excessive amount of stomach acid that flows into the esophagus and irritates it. It can also be caused by food allergies, stress and certain medications.

Green tea has been shown to help prevent and treat heartburn by relaxing the muscles in your digestive tract and making your stomach produce less acid.

Here are some other ways to get rid of heartburn:

What causes heartburn?

Heartburn is caused by an excessive amount of stomach acid that flows into the esophagus. This can be triggered by consuming certain foods, eating a large meal too quickly or drinking too much alcohol. It can also be caused by stress and certain medications.

1) Drink water: Sipping on a glass of water throughout the day can help prevent heartburn from occurring.

2) Avoid foods and beverages with caffeine, sugar, salt and alcohol: These are all triggers for heartburn, so it’s best to avoid them altogether or limit their intake to just one or two per day.

3) Eat smaller meals more frequently: Heartburn occurs after you overeat food in your stomach, so eating smaller meals more often will help prevent excess stomach acid from entering your esophagus.

4) Avoid acidic foods and drinks: Acidic foods like lemon juice can irritate the lining of your digestive tract if consumed in large quantities over time. Limit these types of foods to one or two servings per day and eat other low-acidic fruits like bananas and pears instead.

Is there any treatment for heartburn?

The standard treatment for heartburn is antacids. There are two main types of antacid, H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors. H2 blockers block the production of acid within your stomach while proton pump inhibitors prevent the breakdown of proteins in your stomach that cause the release of acid into your esophagus. Heartburn relief drugs like lansoprazole or omeprazole are also available and may be prescribed by a doctor as well.

There’s currently no cure for heartburn, but there are ways to reduce its severity. If you have symptoms that last more than three days, seek medical attention immediately because it could be a sign of something serious like esophageal cancer.

How can I prevent heartburn?

As you might have guessed, heartburn is usually caused by too much stomach acid. If you need to prevent this from happening, try reducing your intake of acidic foods and drinks.

A diet rich in complex carbs can help reduce the amount of stomach acid that’s produced. Although, if you’re prone to heartburn, it’s best to avoid any food that contains high levels of histamine such as cured meats or citrus fruits.

Treating Heartburn with Green Tea

Green tea is a great way to treat heartburn because it contains both caffeine and theobromine. Caffeine in green tea triggers the release of bile, which helps to relieve heartburn by neutralizing the stomach’s acid. Meanwhile, theobromine is a mild diuretic that helps to purge water from your body in order to lower the amount of excess stomach acid.

It’s important not to overheat or boil green tea, as this can potentially cause the temperature inside your stomach to get too hot and trigger an esophageal spasm. Plus, boiling or heating green tea causes some of its nutrients to break down, which makes it less effective for treating heartburn symptoms.

Instead, try steaming some green tea leaves with a little bit of water until they are soft. Then slowly add more water until you have brewed a strong cup of green tea. Drink this strong cup of green tea after every meal in order to calm your stomach and relieve any heartburn symptoms you may be experiencing.

Reducing the amount of stomach acid

One way to treat heartburn is to reduce the amount of stomach acid. This is done by drinking plenty of fluids that are low in sugar and salt, such as water and unsweetened fruit juice. Taking an antacid medication can also help relieve the burning sensation in your chest.

Another option is a diet without spices and alcohol. The first step in getting rid of heartburn is finding out what causes it. Once you know what’s causing it, it’s easier to figure out how to get rid of it.

Decreasing the frequency of heartburn episodes

If you have a case of heartburn and want to reduce its frequency, then some simple lifestyle changes can help. For example, try not eating for at least an hour before bed. When your stomach is empty, the muscles in your digestive tract relax and work better at digesting food.

Another way to make sure you don’t suffer from heartburn is by avoiding certain foods that may trigger it in the first place. For example, if you’re prone to heartburn after eating dairy products like milk or cheese, then try using non-dairy alternatives instead.

In addition to diet changes, there are other ways to decrease the frequency of episodes of heartburn including:

-Eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day

-Taking over-the-counter medications before or after a meal

-Drinking water with lemon or lime wedges

-Using ice packs on your chest when you’re having trouble breathing when suffering from a bout of heartburn

Improving digestive function

If you have heartburn, try taking a probiotic supplement to improve the digestive function of your stomach. This will help prevent and treat heartburn by promoting healthy bacteria in your stomach that digests food and makes it easier for your body to produce less acid.

Also, limit foods that cause heartburn by avoiding spicy foods, citrus juices, coffee and alcohol. Alcohol can irritate the esophagus and make the burning sensation worse.

Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. The more hydrated you are, the easier it will be for your digestive system to produce less acid.

Reducing inflammation in your esophagus

It is important to take steps to reduce the amount of inflammation in your esophagus. This will help prevent heartburn from happening in the first place.

To do this, drink plenty of water and eat foods with fiber. Some common examples are beans, leafy vegetables and oranges. If you don’t want to add more fiber to your diet, you can also try taking a daily multivitamin.

Another option is to take a supplement that contains nigella sativa extract, which has been shown to reduce inflammation in the esophagus.


A lot of people may not know that heartburn is a condition that can cause numerous physical symptoms. But this doesn’t have to be the case! There are plenty of natural remedies for heartburn.

If you’re suffering from heartburn, try one of these tips to get rid of the burning sensation in your chest:

-Eat smaller meals more often and avoid foods that trigger acid reflux

-Have a cup of green tea before bed each day

-Exercise regularly

-Don’t skip meals

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