Green Tea and Pregnancy

What about green tea and pregnancy?

During pregnancy it is very important to monitor the health of mother and baby.

For many anxious mothers-to-be, concern about diet being allied to complications and problems is a real one.

There seem to be so many conflicting opinions about what is good and what isn’t good for you when pregnant!

Despite the many health benefits of green tea with its powerful antioxidants, including prevention of cancer, heart disease, improving the immune system, speeding up metabolism for weight loss, improving digestion, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, improving oral health and many other effects,

it is not advisable for you to drink green tea while expecting.

The polyphenols in green tea (antioxidants) are present in high levels, due to the steaming process of green tea production which avoids oxidisation and fermentation of the leaves.

There are catechins present and it is these compounds that affects the use of folate in the body. Folate helps in preventing birth defects in the neural tube.

EGCG (one of the catechins) can help prevent cancer because it can bond with an enzyme called DHFR (dihydrofolate reductase). T

he folate pathway contains these enzymes, so EGCG bonds with these and deactivates the enzymes as a result.

If the DHFR enzymes are deactivated, the body isn’t able to use folate properly.

Up to date, no studies of green tea and pregnancy have been done to see how much green tea affects folate.

Doctors also recommend only very little, if any, coffee or tea be drunk during the 3 trimesters, as both contain a caffeine, although green tea has less than half the caffeine content of coffee.

If this sounds ‘over the top’, please ask your doctor his/her advice – as with all questions about nutrition and diet, because it is the health of your baby and yourself that is of uppermost importance when you are pregnant.

Most will tell you that it is best to avoid caffeine-laden drinks for 9 months.So, although green tea is one of the healthiest drinks you can have, and for everyone else, 4-6 cups a day is so beneficial, while you are doing the best for your baby, perhaps one small cup a day will have to suffice!

Moreover, there are as of now studies which demonstrates caffeine to bring about premature delivery and lower conception weight among children.

Drinking around some coffee every day can most likely influence your child’s weight during childbirth.

On the off chance that you don’t need your child to endure, you can have some coffee a day or in the event that you need, you can simply quit drinking coffee.

The caffeine content in green tea is lower than that of coffee thus you can drink more than one glass; however as said prior, get some information about it first.

Pregnancy will just take nine months thus you have to appreciate it. Regardless of the possibility that you encounter a great deal of body changes, simply imagine that you will celebrate the day your valuable child comes.

In the event that you can abstain from drinking caffeined beverages, then attempt to avoid them.

In spite of the fact that the medical advantages of green tea are striking, it does contain caffeine and no study has yet settled the appropriate measure of green tea allow particularly among pregnant ladies.

In case you’re not pregnant and you don’t have any issues identified with caffeine consumption, then you can drink the same number of tea as you like.

At this moment, be cautious in drinking green tea; maybe you can settle for a little glass each other day just to fulfill your hunger for it.

When you feel anything irregular, look for the assistance of your specialist without a moment’s delay.

Additionally, its simply going to be for nine months and after that, you can continue in drinking tea once more.

Beside not taking juiced beverages, you’re additionally not permitted to take only any sort of drug on the grounds that it can be destructive to your child.

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